Our editorial standards and principles

The US Sun is committed to upholding the highest possible editorial standards. We believe strongly in freedom of expression, and that journalism should not be unduly constrained by regulation or the law. We have a long tradition of covering news with a unique style and tone - a voice that is recognizably and distinctly ours. We are proud of it, and we want all our output to be fun, fearless and forthright.

But we also want it to be factual, where facts matter. As part of News UK, we are regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), and we subscribe to the Editors’ Code that it oversees. Although we reject any kind of press control by the state, we are committed to observing the Editors’ Code, both in letter and spirit, and we are strong supporters of IPSO. We believe that the principles embodied by the Code - in respect of Accuracy, Privacy and the many other topics it covers - should be integral to all our journalism. We strive to ensure they are.