
Influencer Katherine Asplundh's Viral Instagram Bullying

Influencer Katherine Asplundh's Viral Instagram Bullying
Published 2 weeks ago on May 08, 2024

Billionaire's Wife Katherine Asplundh Goes Viral for Bullying Tactics Over Instagram Handle.

Billionaire's Wife Katherine Asplundh Goes Viral for Bullying Tactics Over Instagram Handle

A social media influencer has sparked outrage online after attempting to bully a woman who shares her new surname into giving up her Instagram  username. The incident sheds light on entitlement and the lengths some go to for a coveted online identity.

Happily Ever After Turns Sour

Katherine Asplundh, formerly known as Katherine Driscoll, recently married Cabot Asplundh, heir to the multi-billion dollar Asplundh Tree Expert company. Following their lavish wedding, Katherine, an influencer with over 14,600 followers, sought to updat her Instagram handle to "@katherineasplundh." Unfortunately, the username was already taken by another user named Kate.

A social media influencer has sparked outrage online after attempting to bully a woman who shares her new surname

Unethical Offer and Entitled Messages

Instead of respecting Kate's claim to the username, Katherine messaged her, offering to purchase it. This action directly violates Instagram's terms of service which prohibit buying, selling, or transferring usernames.

When Kate politely declined, citing concerns about being banned, Katherine's messages reportedly turned "snarky" and dismissive. She questioned Kate's identity, claiming the Asplundh name was exclusive to her husband's family.

The Power of Social Media Backfires

Feeling harassed, Kate decided to share the exchange online. The conversation quickly went viral, with social media users criticizing Katherine's entitled behavior. Katherine's own social media channels were flooded with comments, forcing her to temporarily privatize her account.

Following their lavish wedding, Katherine, an influencer with over 14,600 followers, sought to updat her Instagram handle to "@katherineasplundh

A Glimpse into the World of Username Buying

While Instagram prohibits username trading, the incident highlights a thriving black market for coveted usernames. Some celebrities have been accused of using their influence to bypass these rules.

A Lesson in Online Etiquette

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of online etiquette. Respecting other users and their usernames is crucial for maintaining a healthy online community.

As of now, it's unclear if Katherine has secured her desired username

As of now, it's unclear if Katherine has secured her desired username. The incident has undoubtedly tarnished her online reputation. For Kate, this experience exemplifies the power of speaking out against bullying behavior in the digital age.

Looking Forward: Respecting Usernames and Online Communities

Social media platforms have a responsibility to enforce their username policies. Users, on the other hand, should treat each other with respect and avoid resorting to bullying tactics to obtain their desired usernames.


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